Best Gag Gifts for Christmas

Best Gag Gifts for Christmas from a Fun Novelty Gifts Company – There’s a time for serious gift giving, and there are times when a serious gift just will not do. Whether it’s the office white elephant gift exchange or an informal Secret Santa with your teen’s athletic team, there are times you need a… Continue reading Best Gag Gifts for Christmas

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Warmest Gifts for the Person Who is Always Cold

Warmest Gifts for the Person Who is Always Cold – Let’s face it. We all know THAT ONE PERSON. The person who is ALWAYS cold! We’ve all encountered the meme. It circulates ruthlessly on Facebook every winter. I AM THAT PERSON! I’m the always cold person here. I’m definitely not alone in the world though.… Continue reading Warmest Gifts for the Person Who is Always Cold

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Fantastic Gifts for the Frugal Mom

Fantastic Gifts for the Frugal Mom – So what gift do you buy for the frugal mom on your list? Frugal moms know that EVERY DOLLAR COUNTS. They weigh the price of every alternative. Every item (even gifts) must have a function. They must serve a purpose. So how do you buy for a frugal… Continue reading Fantastic Gifts for the Frugal Mom

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Best Gifts for the Ultimate Tebow Fan

Best Gifts for the Ultimate Tebow Fan – This Ultimate Tebow Fan gift guide was inspired by an awesome opportunity we had this week. We were able to accompany the local high school chapter of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes to East Central Indiana FCA‘s annual Fields of Faith at Muncie, Indiana. Tim Tebow was… Continue reading Best Gifts for the Ultimate Tebow Fan

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