You Can Cater Your Own Wedding Buffet – Wedding catering can be incredibly expensive, but you don’t have to spend a fortune to provide your guests with a spectacular meal if you cater your own wedding buffet. We fed nearly 300 people a filling wedding meal with tons of wedding food to spare for less… Continue reading Cater Your Own Wedding Buffet to Save a Fortune
Category: Wedding
How to Personalize Your Wedding Aisle Runner for Under $25
How to Personalize Your Wedding Aisle Runner for Under $25 – This personalized scripture wedding runner is probably my favorite DIY from my teenage daughter’s wedding. Those of you who have been following along know that my oldest daughter was married while still in high school. You can read all about it if you want… Continue reading How to Personalize Your Wedding Aisle Runner for Under $25
My Teenage Daughter’s Wedding Almost Caused My Own Divorce
My Teenage Daughter’s Wedding Almost Caused My Own Divorce – My husband required a visit to the emergency room this weekend to get stitches above his right eyebrow. It was another basketball injury, and it reminded me of the very emotional incident about a year ago when my teenage daughter’s wedding almost caused my own… Continue reading My Teenage Daughter’s Wedding Almost Caused My Own Divorce
Married in High School – One Year Later – Why Marriage Matters Most
Married in High School – One Year Later: Why Marriage Matters Most – Of course, you know, if you’ve been hanging around here for a while, my oldest daughter was married while still in high school. We’ve covered a lot of the events leading up to the wedding, and we’ve covered the strange controversy it… Continue reading Married in High School – One Year Later – Why Marriage Matters Most
It’s Not About Valentine’s Day
It’s Not About Valentine’s Day – Really. It’s not! People spend a crazy amount of money on Valentine’s Day every year. It’s a holiday that makes single girls feel very single and probably ends in disappointment even for many people who are in relationships just because reality doesn’t always live up to our sometimes overinflated… Continue reading It’s Not About Valentine’s Day
How to Find the Perfect Cheap Wedding Dress
How to Find the Perfect Cheap Wedding Dress – Finding the perfect cheap wedding dress for my daughter was so much simpler than I ever could have imagined. Finding her dress for the Junior Prom the year prior was a bit of a nightmare, so I was expecting it to be a much bigger task… Continue reading How to Find the Perfect Cheap Wedding Dress
Married in High School – Now Celebrating Six Months
Married in High School – My teenage daughter, who was married in high school, has now been married for six months (actually about 6 1/2 months at this point because I’m way behind on this post). In my last post about the couple, I tricked you (not intentionally, I meant to get there) into… Continue reading Married in High School – Now Celebrating Six Months
Tying the Knot Wedding Invitations DIY
Tying the Knot Wedding Invitation DIY – As the readers who have been hanging around The House That Never Slumbers for a while now know My Daughter Was Married in High School. We had about ten weeks to really plan the wedding, and because we do our best to live debt-free, we had a… Continue reading Tying the Knot Wedding Invitations DIY
Today Would Have Been My Daughter’s Wedding Day . . .
Today Would Have Been My Daughter’s Wedding Day . . . Today would have been my daughter’s wedding day . . . but as is often the case in life, plans don’t always go the way you expected. Last year at this time, my oldest daughter was just starting her senior year of high school,… Continue reading Today Would Have Been My Daughter’s Wedding Day . . .
Bullet Boutonnieres & Bouquets
Bullet Boutonnieres and Bouquets – Yes. You read that correctly Bullet Boutonnieres and Bouquets! My daughter and her husband (who were married while still in high school, by the way) chose to incorporate ammunition into their wedding flowers. Who does that, right?! You could say both the bride and groom, in this case, are very into… Continue reading Bullet Boutonnieres & Bouquets