Outdoor adventures present many circumstances where a first aid kit may become necessary. Having a well-stocked first aid kit is a must for outdoor preparedness. Our family spends a lot of time engaged in various outdoor activities, and it’s nice to have everything on hand in this Surviveware Large First Aid Kit to treat not just scrapes and bruises but even more serious wounds and injuries.
*This post is sponsored by Surviveware. Surviveware was kind enough to provide us with their Large First Aid Kit. This post contains affiliate links.
Why Should I Carry a First Aid Kit for Outdoor Activities?
When you plan and prepare, you don’t have to panic! I’m not sure if I was born with a preparedness mindset or if it was a learned behavior, but I’ve always been that person who carries everything that might be needed with me everywhere I go. I carry basic first aid supplies at all times.
I’m the mom that always has the bandaids, hair elastics, Ibuprofen, and so on. All the kids on teams with my kids know they can get basic necessities from me. During a basketball game this summer, my daughter ran up into the bleachers during a timeout as we were yelling at her to get back down there and listen to her coach. She started digging through my backpack because a girl ON THE OTHER TEAM was bleeding and needed a bandaid.
Athough first aid supplies are important indoors, the outdoors presents additional risks for accident and injury and requires more serious gear.
It’s Only a Flesh Wound from a Chainsaw
I spent a lot of time in the woods as a child. Both my parents and grandparents burned wood for heat (as we do now), so cutting wood for winter was a regular activity for my family. We would play in the woods while my parents were cutting. We often helped stack the wood on the wagon, and at home my brother and I would split the logs with a wedge and sledgehammer.
One of my most vivid childhood memories is from the time my dad hit a knot in the wood with the chainsaw. It kicked back, and the blade caught his knee. His jeans were quickly soaked with blood. He had to drive the tractor back to my grandparents’ house while his knee was still gushing blood from the gaping wound, and then my mom drove us all to the emergency room where he received a long zipper of stitches. He still has a scar from it, though it’s not as visible as you would expect from a chainsaw blade.
Believe it or not, I know half a dozen other men with the very same scar from the exact same accident with a chainsaw hitting a knot. It’s a surprisingly common injury. Thankfully, no one I’ve known has been permanently damaged by it, but some first aid supplies would have been helpful in all those cases.

Most of the afflictions experienced in the great outdoors are more minor than chopping one’s own leg with a chainsaw and can be remedied fairly easily with a first aid supply kit like this one from Surviveware.
My husband and I own a 12-acre wooded property a 1/2 mile from our house. We normally travel there by ATV, either the four-wheeler or the Gator. This Surviveware Large First Aid Kit easily attaches to either vehicle. It can also be strapped to a belt or larger bag.
First Aid Supplies to Handle Outdoor Hazards
The Surviveware Large First Aid Kit is one of the most thoroughly stocked that I’ve seen. It has materials to handle many of the hazards we encounter regularly.
Although we maintain trails throughout our wooded property, thorns are a constant peril everywhere in our woods. This med kit includes nearly any variety of adhesive bandage you could imagine, gloves, and alcohol wipes to clean the affected area. Butterfly bandages and strip wound closures to handle deeper cuts are also enclosed. The tweezers are a very necessary survival item for outdoor adventures where the need to remove a splinter, thorn, or stinger may arise.
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I was pleased to find sting relief wipes because insects are another nuisance we suffer during all trips to the woods. Picking raspberries often becomes a mosquitofest even with the use of bug spray or a Thermacell.
My son-in-law is an RN, and he took a good look through this kit. The only item he said he would add is a suture kit which can be purchased easily at Amazon. With his professional experience, I’m sure he’s more comfortable with the idea of suturing someone out in the wild. I would probably be inclined to use one of the plethora of bandages included until I can get to clean running water. My middle daughter thinks like him though and tried to stitch her own finger when she was ten and cut it messing around outside.
I think my favorite feature of the Surviveware Large First Aid Kit might be the included mini first aid kit. It has supplies already included in the larger kit, so it can be removed and carried in whatever smaller bag you have if you will be leaving the larger kit in a vehicle.

Surviveware is Organized Preparedness
The Surviveware Large First Aid Kit is extremely well organized! I love bags with lots of pockets, and this med kit is nothing but pockets. Every pocket is clearly labeled, so you can find what you need quickly. This also helps tremendously when restocking the consumable items. Surviveware sells a 121-piece restocking kit too.

This is what I had been using as a first aid kit in my van for several years.

I know. High School Musical was so 10 years ago, but I like to recycle items, so I save all kinds of zipper pouches and containers because they might be useful someday. Don’t worry. I don’t save used straws from McDonald’s and wash them like my grandma did. Anyway, it’s probably about time I graduated to a big kid first aid kit, so I’m pleased to have the Surviveware Large First Aid Kit on hand now.
Other First Aid and Survival Kits from Surviveware
Surviveware makes several other spectacular emergency kits. They have emergency preparedness packs for a variety of different scenarios and circumstances. We also have a review of the Surviveware Survival First Aid Kit. Be sure to subscribe in the sidebar or below because you don’t want to miss future product reviews.
These are a few of the additional kits from Surviveware.
And don’t be caught sleeping. Plan and prepare, so you don’t have to panic!
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