Folding Table Cooler – This product gets iffy reviews, but it’s something I own and love!

Folding Table Cooler Review – I’ve owned this Outdoor Multi-Function Rolling Cooler with Table and Chairs for a year, and it’s one of my favorite products. We use it in so many different ways. It truly is multi-functional. It’s been a great addition to our athletic and outdoor gear. The best products are always ones… Continue reading Folding Table Cooler – This product gets iffy reviews, but it’s something I own and love!

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Camping Hacks from a Clueless Camper

Camping Hacks from a Clueless Camper – I’m almost ashamed to admit last weekend was the first time I’ve ever been camping in my entire life. Despite my inexperience as a camper, I did walk away with a few brilliant camping hacks that I believe are worth sharing with others. Most of these frugal camping… Continue reading Camping Hacks from a Clueless Camper

DIY Fire Starters from Dryer Lint and Toilet Paper Tubes

  The House That Never Slumbers is in the country, so bonfires are a big part of our evenings when the weather is decent. I’ve come across a lot of different fire starter products in the camping sections of various stores. Some of them are quite pricey. I’m kind of surprised people actually pay for… Continue reading DIY Fire Starters from Dryer Lint and Toilet Paper Tubes

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