Daich Spreadstone Countertop Kit in New Bright White to the Rescue

Many of you may remember we refinished our kitchen countertops with a Daich Spreadstone stone coating kit in the winter of 2019. We have been incredibly happy with the durability of that product in our kitchen. A few months before refinishing those kitchen countertops we had used a faux “marble” kit from another company to… Continue reading Daich Spreadstone Countertop Kit in New Bright White to the Rescue

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DIY Countertop Refinishing Before and After with Daich SpreadStone Kit

Daich SpreadStone Mineral Select Countertop Makeover – Countertop refinishing may seem like a daunting task, but I can assure you ANYONE can update their own ugly laminate countertops with this SpreadStone Mineral Select countertop kit from Daich. *Daich Coatings provided the two kits needed for this project. This post may contain affiliate links. Pin this!… Continue reading DIY Countertop Refinishing Before and After with Daich SpreadStone Kit

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