The House That Never Slumbers operates in a state of perpetual motion. There’s always something rowdy happening at all hours night or day. With seven people all functioning in different roles and different work and school schedules, there’s rarely a time when everyone’s sleeping at one time. It’s not uncommon for someone to be in the kitchen baking at 2am or one of the little girls to be doing cartwheels in the living room at midnight. The guys have been known to take target practice with their bows in the middle of the night using big work lights for visibility. The fun never ends at The House That Never Slumbers!
Meet the Inhabitants of The House That Never Slumbers

InsomnoMom is the mother of four. She holds a Bachelor’s in Elementary Education, but her ultimate ambition in life has always been to be a full-time mom. Foregoing a career outside the home has meant constantly finding creative ways to save money, so InsomnoMom is shamelessly frugal. The House That Never Slumbers has always strived to live well below its means, maintaining a high credit score and low debt-to-income ratio. InsomnoMom was an extreme couponer long before it was popular. Living on a budget has never prevented the family from traveling because InsomnoMom is skilled at finding discounts and deals. As the name suggests, InsomnoMom is the Mom Who Never Sleeps at The House That Never Slumbers. She was just born a Night Owl, and all attempts to change that have been futile.
RiflemanDad is protector and provider of The House That Never Slumbers. He has an Accounting degree and works in insurance. RiflemanDad enjoys all manner of indoor and outdoor sports. He coaches a variety of youth athletic teams in a variety of sports. He has worked to ensure his own children know how to produce, harvest, and butcher their own food. He trains the children on all types of weaponry. RiflemanDad is an accurate shot from long-range whether he’s shooting a firearm, bow, or basketball.

Mr. & Mrs. Merica are the newlyweds in the house. Mrs. Merica is the oldest daughter. She was homeschooled through junior high. She went public high school as a freshman. She recently graduated as #1 in her class. She managed to complete 22 credit hours of dual college credit while still in high school, so she has a nice head start on her college degree. She is majoring in Business Administration. Mr. Merica graduated from high school an entire year early while also completing an Early College program during that condensed high school career. He is majoring in Nursing. Mr. & Mrs. Merica were married in March of their senior year. (You can read the Married in High School story here.) Sometimes in life, you come across couples who just really do life well together, and Mr. & Mrs. Merica have just always been that couple from the day they met.

BullseyeBubba is a state qualifying archer. He will be getting a driver’s license soon, and he is the proud owner of a huge redneck truck. He loves all things camo. He will begin high school in the fall at the local public school.

DIYDoll is always concocting or creating something she’s seen on YouTube. She can make thirty different variations of slime from common household cleaning products and glue. She is a Night Owl like InsomnoMom, but she often uses her late night hours to do all the laundry and clean obscure parts of the house, so no one’s complaining. DIYDoll is homeschooled.

MissChatterbox is the baby of the brood and also homeschooled. She believes any silence is awkward and it is, therefore, her personal duty to fill it, so she talks and talks and talks. Miss Chatterbox has unlimited energy. She can run forever without tiring. She insists on InsomnoMom watching her do flips or walk on her hands repeatedly for hours at a time.