Camping Hacks from a Clueless Camper

Camping Hacks from a Clueless Camper – I’m almost ashamed to admit last weekend was the first time I’ve ever been camping in my entire life. Despite my inexperience as a camper, I did walk away with a few brilliant camping hacks that I believe are worth sharing with others. Most of these frugal camping… Continue reading Camping Hacks from a Clueless Camper

Bullet Boutonnieres & Bouquets

Bullet Boutonnieres and Bouquets – Yes. You read that correctly Bullet Boutonnieres and Bouquets! My daughter and her husband (who were married while still in high school, by the way) chose to incorporate ammunition into their wedding flowers. Who does that, right?! You could say both the bride and groom, in this case, are very into… Continue reading Bullet Boutonnieres & Bouquets

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My Daughter Was Married in High School

My Daughter Was Married in High School – Our oldest daughter was recently married while still in high school. I know that sparks curiosity from some people, and that’s understandable. It also, for some reason, sparked hostility from some people. I understand folks being curious, but the hostility was not something I anticipated. My husband… Continue reading My Daughter Was Married in High School

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DIY Rustic Log Wedding Cake Stand

Rustic Log Cake Stand DIY Instructions – This DIY Rustic Log Cake Stand is fairly simple to complete if you have the right tools. We didn’t have all the tools we probably needed, but we improvised to complete the project. If we can make one of these, anybody can! As you already know if you’ve… Continue reading DIY Rustic Log Wedding Cake Stand

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Easy Pizza Bread Recipe

We are constantly running from one activity to another, so quick suppers are a necessity around here. A couple of my kids are picky eaters. This is one of the easiest and quickest meals that pleases the whole family. It’s also fairly inexpensive, so that’s even better. We don’t get to have them all that… Continue reading Easy Pizza Bread Recipe

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Welcome to The House That Never Slumbers!

I’m glad you’ve found your way to The House That Never Slumbers!  Someone’s always awake. There’s always something interesting happening. There’s always someone making something, building something, cooking something, or playing something at nearly every hour night or day. There are seven of us living under one roof. A few of us are Night Owls,… Continue reading Welcome to The House That Never Slumbers!

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